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CDS Data Generation

Integrated with your ERP system, Exportmaster will make the preparation of data for CDS fast, accurate and easy to achieve.

Exportmaster has for many years been providing UK businesses with the tools to manage the processing lifecycle of their export orders, from order to shipment.

Customs Data Generation

Exportmaster will calculate and prepare the detailed information that is required for your export customs declarations.

This can then be supplied to your third-party forwarding agent or uploaded to your online customs declaration service provider.

Descartes e-Customs

With an established Descartes e-Customs interface, Exportmaster can upload the prepared customs data directly to your e-customs account, ready for submission to HMRC.

HM Revenue & Customs sign incised into the wall outside their headquarters in Whitehall, City of Westminster, London

Software packages

Exportmaster offers two standard packages – SHIPshape and TOPS.


The best results come from understanding your business needs and optimising the way you work.

To discuss your needs or arrange a demo of our software, call us on 020 4532 3445

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